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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Oswald Chambers (1874-1917)   evangelist & teacher

Oswald Chambers (1874-1917) evangelist & teacher

Oswlad Chambers was an early 20th century Scottish Baptist and Holiness Movement evangelist and teacher. He is best known for his devotional ** My Utmost for the Highest** which his wife transcribed from her shorthand and published for the first time in 1927 - ten years after his untimely death from pulomary hemorrhaging whilst in Cairo, Egypt. He had gone to Egypt during the First World War - he was buried with full military honours. I have included a picture, wikipedia notes, notes from V. Raymond Edman’s book They Found the Secret which tells of Oswald’s baptism of the Holy Spirit around 1900 whilst tutoring philosophy at Dunoon College, plus a comment from Christianitytoday.
John Allen Wood (1828-1905)

John Allen Wood (1828-1905)

John Allen Wood’s teaching and testimony have been retained for us in his writings. Principally in the volume entitled Purity and Maturity, also Perfect Love. He was converted at the age of 10 but It was not until the tenth year of his ministry that he received the Second Blessing. I have concentrated on the Second Blessing- the blessing of the Holy Spirit and how it changed his life. V. Raymond Edman in his book They found the Secret in detail looks in detail at the blessing and the results of having the blessing.
Richard C. Halverson  Richard (1916-1995)

Richard C. Halverson Richard (1916-1995)

Richard C. Halverson was a minister of the former United Presbyterian Church in the USA. He served as the chaplain of the United States Senate for 13 years. He had originally hoped to make it big in Hollywood but instead following his conversion he became a pastor. I have taken quotes from V. Raymond’s book They Found a Secret (pages 78-86) to show what the ‘three crisis’ - his words - had on his life. They about the growing influence of the Holy Spirit on his life
Handley Moule,  former Bishop of Durham  (1841-1920)

Handley Moule, former Bishop of Durham (1841-1920)

Handley Carr Glyn Moule was a former Bishop of Durham. He became the the first principle of Ridley Hall, Cambridge. Although he was ordained in 1867 it was not until 1884, after he had become principle at Ridley college, that he received fully the gift of the Holy Ghost. ( See and read pages 104/5 from V. Raymond Edman’s book They Found the Secret. ) Following on from his ‘crisis’ the enrollment at Ridley hall was augmented and with the increase there came problems that were triumphantly faced. His principalship started in 1880 continued until 1899. In his lifetime he wrote over 60 theological books and pamphlets,he also published at least two volumes of poetry.plus a number of hymns. (see incomplete list)
Dwight L. Moody - Evangelist  (1837-1899)

Dwight L. Moody - Evangelist (1837-1899)

Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899), was an evangelist and publisher, who has had a stunning impact stretching across generations and classes. He had boundless energy, natural shrewdness, self-confidence and eternal optimism. Reading his school report it is hard to believe the person he became. he was a young shoe clerk in Boston when he was converted. I have include a number of extracts from V. Raymond Edman’s book They Found the Secret. From humble beginnings he presented the claims of the Gospel to large audiences in both America and the UK. Early in his ministry he was told to honour the Holy Spirit in all his preaching. Two old ladies, who prayed for him said, ’ You need power’. he received the full measure of the Holy Spirit. The great fire of Chicago changed his sermons - originally it was his personal drive now it was the dynamic of the Holy Spirit. He talks about three classes of Christian- makes interesting reading. He remained a humble man. Read about his five secrets as described by Dr. C. L. Scofield at his funeral.
Charlotte Digges 'Lottie'  Moon  (1840 - 1912)

Charlotte Digges 'Lottie' Moon (1840 - 1912)

She was named Charlotte Digges Moon but everyone called her Lottie. Initially she was indifferent to her Christian upbring but following a revival meeting in 1858 she experienced an awakening. She spent nearly 40 years as a Southern Baptist missionary in China. She wanted to go out and evangelis on the streets but initial she spent her time in the classroom. female missionaries realised that they could communicate with the Chinese women better than the men She was impatient with the usual restraints and deliberately moved her Chinese mission out of reach of male authority. She asked for missionaries. Woman’s Missionary Union collected the Christmas offering to give to the Foreign Mission Board. She wanted more than anything to have gender equality. In 1893 she wrote, ’ What women have a right to demand is perfect equality’.
Karl Gutzlaff    (1803- 1851)

Karl Gutzlaff (1803- 1851)

Karl was born in Pyritz, a province of Pomerania in Prussia. His first job was as an apprentice saddler in Stettin. He was one of the first Protestant missionaries in Bangkok, Thailand (1828) and Korea (1832). He was the first Lutheran missionary to China and he also wore Chinese clothing. He wrote a number of books and served as interpreter for British diplomatic missions. In Macau and later in Hong Kong he worked on a Chinese translation of the Bible. He also published Chinese language magazine* Eastern Western Monthly Magazine.* In 1840, he was one , of a group of 4, who translated the Bible into Chinese. The Bible translation was a version in High Wen-Li - correct and faithful to the original. He also founded in 1844 a school for ‘native’ missionaries when the Chinese government were unwilling to allow foreigners into the country. Nearly 50 were trained during the first four years. His book **** Appeal to the churches of Britain and America on behalf of China**** influenced Dr. David Livingstone to become a medical missionary but David ended up in Africa rather than China, because of the First Opium War in China. He founded the Chinese Evangelization Society. Hudson Taylor said Karl was the grandfather of the China Inland Mission. Source used : wikipedia
Saint Wulfstan  (1008-1095)    Feast day January 19th

Saint Wulfstan (1008-1095) Feast day January 19th

Saint Wulfstan lived in the time of the Normany invasion of 1066. He was the last surviving English holder of a bishopic after the Norman conquest. Through his uncle’s influence he studied at monasteries in Evesham and Peterborough and joined the Benedictine monastery in Worcester as clerk. Noting his reputation for dedication and chastity his superiors urged him to join the priesthood. In 1038 he was ordained and joined a monastery of Benedictines at Worcester. He became the bishop of Worcester in 1062. He stayed bishop until his death, from a protracted illness, on 19th January 1095. William the Conquer thought he, was a fool, probably because he did not speak French, and tried to deprive him of his bishopic. At an inquiry, held at Westminster, he was vindicated. He was noted for his preaching and personal asceticism (denial). William noted that pastoral care of his diocese was Wulstan’s principle interest. Together with Lanfranc, the Archbishop of Canterbury, they stopped the trading of English people being captured and transported from Bristol to Ireland as slaves. He also helped with the compiling of the Domesday Book. He frequently served as adviser to King William ll Rufus. Wulfstan founded the Great Malvern Priory. He also undertook large rebuilding work including cathedrals and a number of churches.He also helped consecrate a number of bishops. On 14th May 1203 he was canonized by Pope Innocent lll My sources are Wikipedia, Britannica and The Chuch’s Year by Charles Alexander.
Saint Polycarp (69-156) Feast day now February 23rd was January 26th

Saint Polycarp (69-156) Feast day now February 23rd was January 26th

Saint Polycarp was a Ist/2nd century Christian bishop. He is regarded as one of the three chief Apostolic Fathers because he was a disciple of John the Apostle, one of Christ’s original twelve disciples. John ordained him Bishop of Smyrna. He was born in the first century AD but lived to die a martyr’s in the second century. He was a wrote the epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians -his only surviving work. Polycarp was the bishop of Smyrna for nearly 50 years. He was an elder of an important congregation that was a large contributor to the founding of the Christian Church. He was much loved for his gentle and forgiving nature. Aged 80+ he went to Rome. On his return persecution of Christians began. 11 Christians were martyred in the amphitheatre and the people cried out for Polycarp. He was arrested and told his life would be saved if he would deny Christ. He is recorded as saying, Eighty and six years I have served him, and he has done me no wrong. He was burned at the stake and pierced with a spear He is mentioned in The Martyrdom of Polycarp which is considered one of the genuine accounts of a Christian martyrdom. Sources used wikipedia, TheChurch’s Year by Charles Alexander. I have included the definition of Apostolic Fathers.
Saint John Chrysostom (347-407) Feast Day 27th January

Saint John Chrysostom (347-407) Feast Day 27th January

Saint John gained the name of Chrysostom (Greek for golden mouth) for his zeal and clarity of his sermons which appealed especially to the common people. His time as archbishop of Constantinople were difficult because he often preached on the misuse of money. This annoyed Eudoxia, the wife of the emperor Arcadius, and his rival archbishop Theophilus. He was banished from the city and he died in exile. Sorces use wikipedia and Britannica.
Ben Kinchlow         1936- 2019)   co-host of  The 700 Club

Ben Kinchlow 1936- 2019) co-host of The 700 Club

Harvey Ben Kinchlow was an American evangelist best known for being co-host of The 700 Club from 1975-88 and again from 1992-6, He aslo other shows on the Christian Broadcasting Network such as Straight Talk and a radio show Taking it to the Streets. Ben was the son of a Methodist minister. He was raised by a strict , loving, church attending family, in Uvalde, Texas. He received his schooling at Nicolas school in San Antonio - it was the last segregated campus for the city’s black students. It operated exclusively for African-Americans from 1938-55 Ben served in the United states Air Force for 13 years and earned his MBA. He met and married Vivian bur soon their marriage was on the rocks. For a period he was a Black nationalist under the influence of Malcolm X and the Black Muslims. A white Christian named John. who radiated the love of Jesus, touched the angry hard cynical Ben. He discovered that Jesus was the key to John’s life. Twice, while Ben was testing tyres on a race track - that was his job , these words sprang to his My heavenly Father watches over me. On the second time he gave his life to Christ and wept. Ben changed and his marriage was restored. He became a born again Christian and was ordained as an African Methodist Episcopal Church minister in 1971. He became the executive director of a Christian drug and rehabilitation center He appeared on The 700 Club to speak about the people he saw coming to Christ through the centre. When Pat Robertson , the regular host, was in Israel, he stepped in. In 1975 he became The 700 Club’s Director of Counseling. In 1982 he became co-host and Christian Broadcasting Network’s vice-president for domestic ministries. In 1985 he was promoted to executive vice-president. He left CBN and The 700 Club in 1996 to pursue an independent ministry He was the founder of Americans for Israel and co-host of the Front Page Jerusalem radio show. He was president and co-founder of Brio TV launched in 2015. It isa subscription based streaming service with TV affiliates focused on providing positive, faith driven content for individuals and families. He hosted the platform’s flagship program Ben Kinchlow Real America. On the day Ben died, 18th July, 2019, aged 82, followers of Ben’s official Facebook page received a prayer alert asking for emergency prayers. Sources used CBN.com wikipedia
John Ankerberg     The John Ankerbery Show

John Ankerberg The John Ankerbery Show

John Ankerberg is an American Christian television host, author and speaker. He is an ordained Baptist minister and has written or co-written more than 150 books an study guides. He is the producer and host of the international televised weekly program *The John Ankerberg Show The show was launched in 1980 on one net work in Kansas City, Missouri. Structuring the program with a debate-formate it quickly caught the attention of other networks. It was picked up by CBN and soon became a full time ministry. The television program is aired on Daystar, God TV and internationally in 10 languages with a potential of 4,5 billion viewers. In 1992 he won the National Religious Broadcasters award for television Program Producer. John is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Religious Broadcasters. This year, 2020, he became a member of the Board Class Source wikipedia
Ralph Washington Sockman (1889-1970)    The circuit

Ralph Washington Sockman (1889-1970) The circuit

The Time Magazine ™ in 1961 said that Ralph was generally acknowledged as the best Protestant preacher in the USA. He had gained considerable prominence in the USA as the featured speaker on the weekly NBC radio program National Radio Pulpit (1928-1962) and as a writer of several best selling books… Back in 1946 the ™ pointed out that his radio program received 4,000 letters weekly ’ the number one protestant radio pastor of the US … rated by volume fan mail. ’ In 1950 the ™ listed a typical Sunday routine for then 60 year old Ralph. (Read marked margin). Ralph graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University and studied for the ministry at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. He was initially called to be an associate minister (1916), but became the senior pastor (1917) at Madison Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. Later it was called Christ Church, in New York City. He stayed there for the next 44 years (1916-1961) and had a membership of 5,000. In Preaching it says he was called the 20th century 'circuit rider. He combined being a pastor, a radio pastor and a seminary lecturer. Why all 3? Ralph explained - For many years I have been convinced that the greatest need of the contemporary church is the strengthening of the local pulpit. Public speaking was his specialty. The article in Preaching goes into great detail about his style of preaching. Briefly -preparation began in the summer vocation. He wrote the sermon out in full. The preached sermon he spoke extemporaneously. (Read last para. of page 1 then pages 2,3 & 4 for full detail) He published 23 books G. Paul Butler called him the preacher’s preacher. To hear him preach is a spiritual event. Dr Sockman is one of the greatest preachers of our day Sources used Facebook Preaching.com The New York Times Wikipedia
Smith  Wigglesworth     (1859- 1947)

Smith Wigglesworth (1859- 1947)

Smith Wigglesworth was a British evangelist who was influential in the early history of Pentecostalism. Smith was born in Menston, Yorkshire on 8th June 1859 into an impoverished family. As a small child he worked in the fields pulling up turnips. He was illiterate. Nominally a Methodist aged 8 he became a born again Christian. His grandmother was a devout Methodist. His parents regularly took him to either a Methodist or Anglican church. He was confirmed by a Bishop in the Church of England. In the Baptist church he was baptized by immersion. He had grounding in Bible teaching in the Plymouth Brethren. He learned his trade of plumbing from a man in the Brethren movement On 4th December 1882 he married Polly Featherstone. Polly was a preacher with the Salvation Army and she taught Smith how to read the Bible - he said it was the only book he ever read. Smith and Polly evangelized together - she preached, he did the altar calls. Smith worked as a plumber until he was too busy preaching. In 1907 he experienced speaking in tongues. He believed his ministerial success was due to his speaking in tongues. He referred to himself as a conundrum. Language? -none. Inability- full of it The secret is that the Holy Ghost came and brought this wonderful edification of the Spirit. Polly died, unexpectedly, in 1913- she had been his light and joy. When she died he asked for a double of the Spirit. His daughter Alice and his son-in-law began to travel with him to handle his affairs. Smith ministered in many churches throughout Yorkshire. He also ministered in USA, Australia, New Zealand South Africa, Pacific Islands, India, Ceylon plus several European countries. He spoke at some of the Assemblies of God (AofG) events in G.B. He received ministerial credentials from the AofG in the USA where he evangelized from 1924-9. Some of his sermons were collected in 2 books*Ever Increasing Faith & Faith that Prevails * He had 4 principles 1 read the Bible 2 consume the Word of God until it consumes you 3. believe the Word of God 4 act on the word Smith continued to minister until his death on 12th March 1947. 1000s were saved and healed. He impacted whole continents for Christ. The beginnings of his healing ministry (3 pages) makes very interesting reading as does* Apostle of Faith ( 2 pages) HEALING and cancer He often hit the inflicted part of the body! I don’t hit them, I hit the devil He was flexible in Sweden where he was not allowed to lay hands on the congregation. He preached ‘corporate healing’ - people laying hands on themselves. His grandson, Leslie Wigglesworth, spent 20 years as a missionary in the Congo and served as president of the Elim Pentecostal Church. Sources used Amazon Biography of S. Wigglesworth Wikipedia
Jack W. Hayford

Jack W. Hayford

Jack Williams Hayford is an American Pentecostal minister, hymn writer (Majesty), author and Chancellor Emeritus of The KIng;s University. He is the former senior pastor of The Church of th Way in Van Nuys, California (1969-99) and was the 4th President of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. He was born on 25th June 1934 in Los Angeles, California. He was born with a muscular condition in the neck, his condition improved. His mother, Dolores, was a Bible teacher who spoke at interdenominational women’s classes and what is now known as Aglow International. Although his parents did not regularly attend church he credited them with providing him a Christian upbringing. HIs parents moved to Oakland, California where he attended Oakland Technical High school. He moved back to Los Angeles to earn a bachelor degree at Life Pacific University (formerly Lighthouse International Foursquare Evangelism (LIFE). (1956). He served as the National Youth Director of International Church of the Foursquare Gospel and joined the faculty at LIFE and went onto be dean of students there. He got his second degree at Azusa Pacific University (APU)(1970). In 1969 he was asked to pastor a small congregation of 18 members, average age 65 at Foursquare Church of the Way, Van Nuys, California He was only going to stay for 6 months. He stayed for 30 years (1969-99) and turned it into a pioneer of the megachurch movement - reported membership exceeded 10,000. Jan and Paul Crouch, founders of Trinity Broadcasting Network, regularly broadcast from the church. In the 1990s he felt he wanted to establish a Pentecostal Seminary in Los Angeles. In 1999 he resigned as senior pastor and founded The King’s College and Seminary ( now The King’s University). He returned briefly to run the church when his son-in-law, Scott Baner,the new pastor suddenly died., In 2004 he was elected to a 4 year term as President of the Foursquare denomination. In 2013 the college was moved to Southlake Texas. In 2015 he was honored with the Title of Pastor Emeritus at The Church of the Way. In his lifetime as a songwriter he wrote over 600 hymns. In 2014 he was inducted into the Religious Broadcasters ’ Hall of Fame. His most famous Majesty , a personal favourite - happened when he was visiting the UK in 1977. (Read John’s account *The Birth of Majesty * ) John has also written several books (See Books) He was also involved with Promise Keepers - a Christian parachurch organization for men started in 1990. In 2017 he lost his first wife, Anna, to cancer. John has now remarried and lives in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. Majesty, worship His Majesty- wonderful words Sources and information included Amazon Jack Hayford Ministries Wikipedia Life Pacific University Promise Keepers The church on the Way The birth of Majesty The Foursquare church The King’s University
Valadao family & Lagoinha Church, Brazil

Valadao family & Lagoinha Church, Brazil

Marcio Roberto Vieira Valadao and two of his children, Andre Machado and Mariana Machado are pastors at the charismatic Lagoinha Baptist Church in Brazil. It is now a megachurch which each week has on average an attendance of 50,000. It was founded by Jose Rego on 20th December 1957 in Belo Horizonto, Minas Gerais in Brazil. On 31st July 1972, when Marcio was appointed the senior pastor/president, the church had 300 members. He is affectionately known as ‘paistor’(father) marcio by members of the church. he was anointed apostle in 2001. In 2016 it had 100 churches in Brazil and around the world. In 2020 the church had 50,000 people on average each week . There are 82, 000 members The church gained national and international prominence through the worship ministry of the Dante do Trono group .The group was formed in 1997 and in 1998, following the release of their first album Diante do Trono,the group has become popular in Brazil. It is one of the world’s largest ministries of praise, worship and mission and is led by Marcio’s children Ana Paula and Andre. It is affiliated with the Convencao Batista Nacional Baptist World Alliance. In 1990 Marcio started to appear on the Profetizando Vida television program. In 2000 Marcio founded a television network titled Rede Super .This means some of the services are broadcast live through television, radio or via the Internet Sources wikipedia
Tim Hall     Tim Hall International Ministries

Tim Hall Tim Hall International Ministries

Tim Hall is one pf Australia’s leading evangelists. Together with his wife, Jacque, they have ministered extensively throughout the world. Tim, aged 26, had his life ‘turned upside down’ in 1974. Tim was an alcoholic high school teacher and bohemian artist. He attended Pastor Andrew Evans church -Klemzig ( now Influencers church) Assembly of God - when he was born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. He immediately felt a call to the ministry. (Read Fred and Betty Evan’s Website - Fred= Andrew - Tim’s pastor) !975 he pioneered his first church - Murray Bridge South Australia. 1976 became youth pastor at Klemzig - watched it grow to become the largest youth group in Australia. Pioneered a number of churches across Victoria. Saw Faith Victoria church grow to become one of Victoria’s key churches Tim Hall International Ministries Inc, based in Perth. (1985- present) In the 1980’s moved into evangelism conducting meeting across Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. Tim has held revival meting in stadiums, tents, churches, conference halls and civic centres. He held miracle crusades in the South Pacific. 1990s married Jacque. Together, as pastors, they have ministered extensively throughout the world. Their forthright and anointed preaching, coupled with a great manifestation of the power of God has seen 1000s saved, 1000s healed, dramatically changed by being baptized with the Spirit and filled with a fresh touch of revival power. In Papua New Guinea alone they have conducted 40 campaigns, 7 of those campaigns being held in the national stadium. Sources used Fred and Betty Evan’s website Tim Hall at The River Tim Hall International Ministries
Andrew Evans    Australian pastor

Andrew Evans Australian pastor

Andrew Lee Evans ( born Wilfred Andrew Lever Evans) was a Pentecostal Christian pastor in the Assemblies of God (AOG) and a former politician in the South Australian Legislative Council. He is most noted for pastoring for 30 years at Klemzig AOG, which became Paradise Community Church, and is now called Influences Church. As a politician he co-founded the conservative Family First Party. Andrew was born in India in 1935. His parents, Tom and Stella, were both missionaries. He studied for the Christian Ministry at the AOG Commonwealth Bible College in Brisbane (1958-60). He graduated with a diploma in theology and was ordained into the ministry in 1963. He served as a missionary for the AOG World Missions in the East Sepik province of Paupa New Guinea for 6 years (1963-9). In 1970 he became senior pastor of Klemzog AOG church in Adelaide. In 1982 it was relocated and called Paradise AOS. From 1977-1997 he served as the National Superintendent of the AOS in Australia. Andrew retired as senior pastor in 2000, after 30 years. The church had reached 4,000 members. His eldest son assumed the leadership. On 20 th January 2003 Andrew was awarded the Order of Austalia Medal OAM for his service to the Christian Church. On retiring he co-founded the Family First Party. In 2002 he was elected into the Legislative council. He retired om 3rd July 2008. With his wife, Betty, he continues to keep active by writing a blog. I have included a blog archive from Fred and Betty Evan’s Website which talks about the conversion of the evangelist Tim Hall at his church, Klemzig Assembly of God, in 1974. ( Andrew’s first name was Wilfred) Sources used About Andrew Evans (pastor) Fred and Betty Evan’s Website Wikipedia
Robert Schuller     (1926-2015)

Robert Schuller (1926-2015)

Robert Harold Schuller was an American Christian televangelist, pastor, motivational speaker and author. In his 40 years of television he was principally known for the weekly Hour of Power television program which he hosted from 1970 until his retirement in 2010. He began the program after he had been encouraged by a visit from his long time friend Billy Graham in 1969. Robert was also the founder of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California where the program was later broadcast from. Robert’s grandparents were Dutch Immigrants. He was youngest of 5 children. When he was still only 4 an uncle, who was a minister, told him to become an evangelist Single most defining moment of my early life he called it. He studied at Hope College, located in Holland, Michigan and in 1950 received an MD degree from Western Theological Seminary. He was ordained in the reformed Church of America. He worked first in Ivanhoe Reformed Church in Riverdale, Illinois before moving to Garden Grove, California. He opened it at a drive-in movie theatre! 4 miles away he rented a 300 seat former Baptist church. On the Sunday he presided firstly at the church and then drove with his organ to the drive-in for another service! As the congregations grew he bought some land and combined the 2 congregations! Started in 1958, finished in 1961 at a cost of $3 million. Dedicated 5th November 1961. Architect was Richard Neutra. He was able to preach his sermon to both the drive-in (500 cars) and the church congregation. In 1968 the Tower of Hope building (13 storeys high) was added with a 90 foot illuminated cross. After purchasing more land Crystal Cathedral was built. Architect Philip Johnson The church has glass walls and ceiling and dedicated 14th September 1980. Cost $18 million (Found colour photos on Google but unable to download) Robert, in his lavender and purple vestments, was viewed on Sundays on the world’s most widely watched hour long church service Hour of Power. It was one of the first USA megachurches. He had an imposing pulpit from which to reach his global flock. The stage was so roomy for the Christmas Nativity he had live camels and horses. with angels overhead on cables. In 2006 Robert stepped down as senior pastor. He had built an Empire Preaching Self-belief. His son, Robert, became senior pastor, but resigned in 2008. His eldest daughter Sheila Schuller Coleman took over in July 2010. October 2010 the Crystal Cathedral (CC) sort bankruptcy protection in the midst of what became known as the ’ Great Recession’. CC sold in 2012 . ( Read - Final years and death) Robert's wife, Arvella died in 2014. They were married for 63 years. Robert had cancer and died on 2nd April, 2015. He was interred next to his wife in Garden Grove , California. Sources used The New York Times Wikipedia